Why Man-made Diamonds do not Retain their Value


For our anniversary I want to buy my wife diamond earrings. I bought her a lab made diamond bracelet in the past and she loved it, but said that she would rather have earth made diamonds because she wants it to retain value to pass on to our daughter.

Looking online I see many sites from jewelers that confirm what she claims, but I do not trust their bias. Is it true that man made diamonds that are considered ‘perfect’ are worth less in the long run compared to their earthen made brethren?

In: 1669

29 Answers

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Neither manmade or naturally occurring diamonds retain their value. The resell value of a diamond is less than the purchase.

The value of any object depends on market factors. Some of those factors are the supply available, the demand and consumer preferences.

Manmade diamonds have a virtually limitless supply which makes their market value lower than naturally occurring diamonds.

Overall for diamonds, they used to be semi-precious until a large and concerted effort by the De Beers organization advertised them as engagement rings. Hollywood and many others were employed as part of the effort.

Supply is restricted to keep processing high and public perception still causes people to believe they have value.

Buy what you like as it appears not what you think has potential future value. Most jewelry is valuable because of family ownership and nostalgia not because of resale prices.

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