Why Man-made Diamonds do not Retain their Value


For our anniversary I want to buy my wife diamond earrings. I bought her a lab made diamond bracelet in the past and she loved it, but said that she would rather have earth made diamonds because she wants it to retain value to pass on to our daughter.

Looking online I see many sites from jewelers that confirm what she claims, but I do not trust their bias. Is it true that man made diamonds that are considered ‘perfect’ are worth less in the long run compared to their earthen made brethren?

In: 1669

29 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The value of diamonds is mostly set by how much people think they are worth. Diamond mines are able to extract more diamonds then people are willing to buy and man made diamonds are even cheaper yet again. The value of diamonds were propped up by a monopoly created by DeBears, and even though this monopoly is crumbling people still think diamonds are expensive and are therefore willing to pay a lot for diamonds. DeBears and all their vendors are still telling people that man made diamonds do not retain value in the same way as earth diamonds in an effort to keep the prices up. And this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy as people believe them and therefore are not willing to pay as much for second hand man made diamonds as second hand earth diamonds, not that there is a market for either.

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