why milk can’t be used for boiling in electric kettle?

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why milk can’t be used for boiling in electric kettle?

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13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

the electic kettle only has one temperature which will cause the milk to scald; which will stick to the kettle and be nearly impossible to clean. this in turn contaminates all future uses of the kettle

Anonymous 0 Comments

Milk scalds at 180F/82C. In a closed kettle, you’ll have more trouble tracking it to ensure it doesn’t boil over. If it goes over 212F/100C, the lactose proteins are ruined and the milk will get a brown film and a bad smell/taste.

Electric kettles tend to have itty bitty crevices. They can’t be submerged in water for cleaning, so a non-water liquid isn’t good for food safety.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Milk contains proteins. And just like eggs and flour which also contain a lot of protein, milk coagulates into a solid if you heat it up too much. The problem with heating milk in a kettle is that a kettle gets very hot on the bottom. This is no problem for water as it can easily handle the heat and will just distribute it throughout the water. However if you have milk in the kettle the milk in the bottom will coagulate due to the heat and stick to the bottom.

If you want to heat up milk you have to make sure to heat it up evenly either by turning down the heat, use something to distribute the heat better then the milk or make sure you constantly stir the milk. A microwave is optimal for this because it uses the liquid itself as a heating element but it is possible to heat up milk using almost any heat source if you are careful enough.

Found this out the hard way and accidentally turned my kettle into a milk bomb

Anonymous 0 Comments

It will curdle and get really disgusting. And then you won’t be able to clean it bc the milk will burn the inside with smelling film.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it is going to cause issues.

 And to quote Picard – we have no laws to cover your crime

Anonymous 0 Comments

Boiling milk causes the proteins to stick together and burn. Electric kettles are not designed to be cleaned regularly so you’re not supposed to boil anything besides water in them

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are electric milk “steamers” that heat to a lower temperature more appropriate for milk and have a stir bar to prevent the milk at the bottom from scalding before it heats through. Most if them are designed to whip air in to make foam for a latte but some can be set to produce little to no foam if you don’t want it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also the heating element inside the kettle gets nasty scale on the inside.

Depending on the mineral content of what is leaving your taps, you could end up with some nastiness in your boiled milk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My son did it to make a hot chocolate. Kettle in the bin and windows and doors open until bedtime.

Anonymous 0 Comments

you need an electric “milk frother” it will variously warm/froth milk to various degrees. Does what you want and costs about the same as an elecric kettle.