Why most mammals cannot become pregnant whilst already nursing a baby.


Why most mammals cannot become pregnant whilst already nursing a baby.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hormones – while the baby is present it stimulates the production of hormones that block ovulation, because it’s reproductively advantageous for a mother to raise the young she already birthed, to an independent age, before she becomes pregnant again as resource scarcity makes it too taxing. For creatures for whom food is abundant, the cool down period between possible pregnancies is much shorter – e.g. humans, rodents, lions etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s basically nature’s way of making sure that the current offspring gets enough nutrients and time become independant before the mother must focus on a new one.

Being pregnant is taxing on the body, as is nursing a baby. Doing Both at once would be incredibly hard on the body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When a baby is growing in a womb, it is sucking the nutrients and life out of their moms’ womb. Then when she has the baby, the womb is weakend and needs time to heal and regrow all of that healthy tissues/fats/nutrients to be able to support a healthy fetus. They maybe could get pregnant while nursing but very unlikely because their body may abort the baby because it doesn’t have enough nutrients for it.