Why objects float “up” in space in every video where an astronaut lets go of said object?

557 viewsOtherPhysics

I have come across multiple videos where an astronaut will let go of an object (just watched one where it was a bolt), and all of them tend to float upwards relative to the camera. Could it just be that earth is actually positioned “up” from the camera so gravity has an effect? or is it that when they let go of the object, they are subtly pushing it upwards? idk could somebody explain.

In: Physics

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

they are either 1. subtly pushing it as you say or 2. it’s an illusion of the camera or other things around it moving.

if everything else happens to be moving down, or if the camera is moving it could look like it’s floating up even if it’s really just staying perfectly still.

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