Why old games takes less memory while “modern” game take huge memory.


Even with 4gb ram My desktop is still lagging with just windows 10 did not install any games just word and excel. While old game are surprisingly just 10 mb some even 6mb and pack a lot of content and run smoothly…..

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Graphics, mostly. The size of them is absolutely enormous.

In the times of [Doom](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/de/Doom_ingame_1.png), a screen was 320×200 in 256 colors. That takes 64000 bytes.

Today, I play the [modern Doom](https://parzibyte.me/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Puerta-amarilla-de-Doom-2016-Santuario-de-Kadingir.jpg) at 4K. That’s 24883200 bytes in 24 bit color, or 33177600 in 32 bits. So representing a single screen worth of graphics takes 518 times more space.

That’s before you consider that today we like photorealism and use far more textures than the first doom did, do them in much higher quality, overlap several of them, have various special effects. The original DOOM looks very blocky if you come right up to a wall. The modern one still looks crisp.

In modern times, 4GB RAM is actually a very low amount to have. I’d put the modern absolute minimum at 8GB, comfortable at 16GB, and you can easily use a lot more than that. I’m finding 64GB somewhat restrictive when doing some specialized tasks.

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