Why old games takes less memory while “modern” game take huge memory.


Even with 4gb ram My desktop is still lagging with just windows 10 did not install any games just word and excel. While old game are surprisingly just 10 mb some even 6mb and pack a lot of content and run smoothly…..

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well first and foremost. Games nowadays have much bigger scenes that are loaded at once and many many more objects in them. Also all those objects has much higher resolution textures and are more complex than before and that uses lots of memory. Then modern games tend to rely on generic engines that focus more on ease of development instead of performance. In the old days devs used to work much more closely with the actual hardware meaning they could optimize at lot more and also had to due to the limits of hardware, where nowadays things are very abstracted from the developer and due to the capabilities of the hardware optimization is not profitable as it takes a lot of time it’s easier to just tell the users to upgrade their hardware. As for windows it’s Microsoft and is probably spending more resources on running spyware and the useless features like Cortana than it does running the user programs.

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