Why one country can’t print currency of the other country? (eg. EU printing dollars or USA printing euros)


Why one country can’t print currency of the other country? (eg. EU printing dollars or USA printing euros)

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8 Answers

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a few reasons.

1:the exact methods by which currency is made are state secrets and the equipement required to do it properly is Heavily controlled. If something like a printer goes missing or cant be accounted for, its something that will not be allowed ot stand and get immediate and full force attention.

2:Being caught doing something like this is essentialy an act of war(attempting ot undermine a froeign currency), or at the very least will terminate any sort of diplomacy between the trade blocks.

3:Expanding on #2, being caught doing htis effectively locks out you out from any market that is dealt with in said currency. Ie: if you are caught countefeiting the Dollar you might have just screwed yourself out of access to the Oil Market.

this being said, ther are legal ways to have a nation print another nations currency: some smaller countries “outsource” this production to another one with a very precise deal ot give them the abiltiy ot do so.

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