Why Our Eyes Scan Smoothly Only When Following A Moving Object


Why can our eyes smoothly scan a moving object like a passing car or the ball at a tennis match (when our head is still), but if we try and duplicate that dynamic without a moving object they, move in big individual movements?

Seems simply to be an involuntary / voluntary thing, but it still baffles me.

In: 6

4 Answers

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Think about it – this is the most efficient movement for your eyes to make to look at things.

Panning over an area without focusing on specific points provides no advantage. However it is easier for us to notice things that are moving when our eyes aren’t in motion. So in this case even if you don’t need to focus on anything specifically, by your eyes moving and stopping repeatedly you have an advantage of spotting something that is moving.

When you consider that one of the reasons to generally scan an area is for threats, our current eye behavior is an evolutionary advantage over the alternative.

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