why people and animals express pain by screaming?


like why do people swear when they are in pain. I searched up this question and it seems to communicate stress but for humans also release emotions. can someone more knowledgable on this subject explain it further?

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4 Answers

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You do only find this behavior among animals who live in groups. The sound is to Conway the need for support and protection among the other members.

On top of that, do you find three kinds of “screams”:
1) The children’s scream that calls on everybody from the group.
2) The female scream that only calls the male part to come.
3) The male “scream” is a sound to call the strongest males in the group.

If you take humans as an example, can you clearly hear a difference between a baby, a woman and a male. The baby’s sound is in fact made to be as annoying as possible, the woman’s scream is to be easy to hear from a long distance, through a noisy environment. The male is more an angry shout or a shout of defeat.

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