why people and animals express pain by screaming?


like why do people swear when they are in pain. I searched up this question and it seems to communicate stress but for humans also release emotions. can someone more knowledgable on this subject explain it further?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The main purpose is to alert others that we’re in trouble. This could mean family members, friends, or other members of our social group. In the case of animals, it can warn the rest of the pack that there’s danger nearby. This is useful in promoting survival, as it may prompt others to provide help or take defensive action.

There’s also an interesting psychological aspect related to swearing when in pain. Studies have found that swearing can actually increase our tolerance to pain. This is thought to be because swearing triggers our ‘fight or flight’ response, leading to a surge in adrenaline, which is another natural pain-reliever.

Of course, these are not the only reasons and a full explanation of all the reasons would be much more complex, but I don’t know them and this is ELI5. 🙂

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