Why people test cocaine on their gum line?


Why people test cocaine on their gum line?

In: 6587

16 Answers

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Ok so there are actually a couple ways to test coke without test equipment.

1. Good coke will fluff up with heat. Using either a piece of tin foil and a lighter or a microwave heat an amount of coke. It will dry out and fluff up and there should be no burnt specs just fluffy powder. The burnt specs are the cut and not the coke

2. Rubbing it between your fingers. If you take a small amount and rub it between your fingers it should dissolve completely and feel a little greasy. If there are any clumps that is the the cut and not the coke.

3. Smell. This isn’t always applicable but if your coke has a smell to it. It should smell like gasoline or just a little like chemicals. But the better the coke the less smell it has. This has to do with how it’s made, if it was a rushed job or it had the proper amount of time to cook.

You should follow the previous steps before you get to this point. The previous steps will help determine if your coke was cut with cheaper shit and if it has the essence of good coke.

4. Lastly you can rub it on your gums. If all of the previous steps check out you can rub it on your gums.
It should take 3 – 5 min before your mouth will start to go numb. If your mouth goes numb to quick it could be cut with lidocaine or benzocaine.

There are other ways but these are just a basic run down and what I know

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