why period cramps are so painful


Also, why is the pain so normalised if it’s so debilitating

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I feel like you’re a man who doesn’t really understand what a period is, or what female anatomy really is. But I’ll simplify it.

A period is the shedding of the uterine lining after a fertilized egg fails to embed itself in it. So in order to get all of the lining out, the uterus needs to contract to push all of it out. That’s an over simplified way of putting it, but that’s essentially what happens.

It’s governed by hormones and genetics, and some women have it worse than others, and it tends to be worse during different parts of the cycle.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

To answer your question about why it’s normalized, it’s because, to put it bluntly, women’s pain is ignored and dismissed. Women’s health in general is neglected.

Women who complain of pain to their providers are generally ignored, and not offered any kind of pain relief. It doesn’t matter what kind of pain it is, including childbirth (I can attest to being told my pain “wasn’t that bad” in the middle of labor). I had to fight for pain relief afterward, despite a third degree tear.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever been tested for endometriosis? I’m pretty sure period cramps aren’t supposed to be debilitating in healthy people.

Edit: I see you’re asking on behalf of a friend. So they’re the one who should be tested for endometriosis.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Normalised? Unless there is a specific condition exaserbating the pain, then it is normal. Why is the pain I feel when I’m kicked in the twig and berries normalised. Because its normal.