Why pilot’s cockpit on commercial planes is in upper part of fuselage?


I understand that historically pilot was sitting on top. And that radar on military planes should be pointed forward-downward and thus cannot be above the pilot(s). But in modern airliners there is so much space. And most important thing to look out for pilots is still the Earth. The Concorde even had a movable nose so the pilots could see better during takeoff, landing and taxiing.

In: 159

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The concord had to have a movable nose because the shape of it meant visibility was exceptionally poor. At the same time you might be overestimating how bad the downward visibility is on an aircraft. While not the same, try out any commercial aircraft in a flight sim, there’s more than enough visibility to see what’s in your path (Keep in mind an aircraft also moves forwards at the same time, now just downwards). And further visibility problems are dealt with using communication, ATC makes great effort to make sure nothing crosses the path of an aircraft, ground crew communicate with ATC to ensure they’re actually clear to cross whatever section of the airfield they’re on the same way an aircraft does.

I also think you might be overestimating how much space a modern airliner has, consider [a 737](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/design-airplane-interior-flat-section-illustration-vector-90990170.jpg), there’s not that much room for a cockpit to be moved downwards. Larger aircraft doesn’t have that much more room either. On top of that consider the instrument cluster, you can’t really move that out of the way either.

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