why porn (visual, video, and literature) makes someone aroused?


why porn (visual, video, and literature) makes someone aroused?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your brain has 2 “sides”, the one where you live constantly and have your thoughts, and the one that is monkey brain and just acts on triggers and reactions that you can’t control.
When you see porn that “side” of the brain starts a reaction that tells you “hey, we have a chance to reproduce here, let’s get in that mind set”, increasing your heart rate, sending blood supply to your genitalia and releasing chemicals that make you feel “horny”, making you want to have sex and bring the basic reason why humans reproduce.

This is an unconscious process, but it can also be affected by your “thinking” side of the brain or by overall emotions and energy levels (I.e depression, tiredness, stress…)

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