What i don’t understand that why the price goes up for finished products, it is already made, raw materials used and manufacturing is paid.
If the store already has 10 TVs in the store, why the price go up?
If you have a given amount of packaged bread already in the store why the price goes up?
Edit1: Lightbulb from many: Restock… You need to restock on current price, if you don’t follow the price you gonna lose money
However the “willing to pay” argument is kind of maddening, because with basic necessities like food “willing to pay” is reversed, controlled by seller and transformed to “have to pay and going to do so”
In: 0
john oliver has a free youtube video that does a pretty good job, and has some pretty good jokes:
He covers a bunch of topics, such as inflation, supply chain issues, and supply and demand.
As simple as I can put it supply wise, if there are fewer of a thing, and people want it, like bread for instance, then people are willing to pay more (or conversely, not buy it). On consumables, you would be surprised how much lettuce and stuff is eaten everyday. Price increases on other things, like lawn chairs, things already manufactured, will keep supply high, and thus “organically” solve the issues of price increase, while at the same time, (i dont buy the lawn chair I have more money) free up access to things that maybe more important and more expensive.
John’s got it covered really and he is way more funny, but I will say I dont think it’s just because of greed.
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