Why private health insurance gives you better quality care than public or free health insurnace


For instance why is that someone on say Kaiser for example tends to get appointments faster and at (usually) way nicer facilities in nicer parts of town than say somebody on Medi Cal

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6 Answers

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This answer doesn’t mean I agree iwth the premise, only that some people do.

When anyone can access something easily they take it for granted and tend to overschedule its use. For example, if there was a test you could take to detect if you have cancer that was free without limitation, most people would want to take that test very often. There is no downside to them personally. But if that test is expensive people will wait until they really need to know before they take the test. Overall it rations the tests to those who need it most.

People who say what you’re asking about think public healthcare will be like unlmited cancer tests – it will clog the system and there is no personal detriment to take one but it will slow down the availibility for people who really need it.

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