Why puking gives us so much relief after feeling sick and nauseous?


Why puking gives us so much relief after feeling sick and nauseous?

In: 4049

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. you feel dizzy (for any reason)
2. body evolved over thousands of years to correlate that dizzy = ate something funny, like rotten food, etc. (it doesnt have to be the case, for example you could be riding a rollercoaster, the body doesnt know)
3. ate something funny > vomiting will help get rid of it
4. vomiting
5. you vomited – this should’ve gotten rid of anything funny you might’ve eaten. that means you can stop being dizzy now. (body releases stuff to your blood that stops the dizzyness)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Can we also talk about why our mouth produces an uholy amount of saliva beforehand and why does swallowing it increase the chance of vomiting? I’ve notice that by spitting the saliva into the toilet instead of swallowing it I can usually get around vomiting. Would that be any harmful?

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Puking is very much an instinctual act that we can’t control and like practically every instictual act we posses, fulfilling that instinct provides a mental sense of satisfaction, it’s literally the brain saying “good job”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically your body is super tense up, heat beats faster, blood pressure rises, you do a lot of involuntary actions which produce stress and can feel painful. Then when you eventually vomit, your body relaxes and releases endorphins which give you a sense of euphoria and relief.

More complex explanation: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/3w5w09/why_do_i_instantly_feel_so_much_better_after/cxtnvs3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)

Anonymous 0 Comments

After vomiting, the body releases endorphins to help cope with stress and reduce discomfort.

Plus sometimes you vomited up whatever was upsetting you in the first place.