why rabies is so deadly, why it has such a high kill rate and how/what does it actually do?


Just saw a video about rabies having 100% kill rate, peaked my interest.

Why is rabies such a horrible thing and what does it actually do to be able to kill you without an actual cure etc?

EDIT: I didn’t expect so many responses to this, thank you to everyone who answered!

In: 1482

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is no longer 100%. There was a story on NPR about a guy who came up with a way to treat it. It turns out that the body can beat it, the disease is just faster than your body’s disease fighting system. I can’t remember exactly how he did it but he put the person in a suspended state till the body could catch up.

I think this is it: https://www.radiolab.org/podcast/rodney-v-death-2209

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