1) Scientist are still debating if Dinosaurs are warm or cold blooded. We don’t really have good direct evidence.
2) They look like reptiles because that’s how we depicted them in our culture. In reality we don’t really know how they looked. What their skin looked like, did they have feathers, what color they were, etc. We have some information about some of them, but fossils evidence outside of their skeleton is hard to find.
You should look at the sketch of current living animal by Palaeoartist C. M. Kosemen. It show how we can be so wrong about how an animal look with only the skeleton as information. He depict animals like a snake, an elephant, a cat, etc And they don’t look at all like they do in reality. We more than likely are doing exactly the same things with Dinosaur.
There is also some depiction of Dinosaur with more Avian feature, but at the time that Dinosaur become really popular in our culture, most depiction were reptilian in nature, so this depiction remain stronger in our culture today.
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