Why rockets dozens of smaller thrusters instead of one giant one?


Why rockets dozens of smaller thrusters instead of one giant one?

In: 6

6 Answers

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1:ease of manufacture: its simply easier ot produce more of a smaller item and compensate for manufacturing errors. on a large single assembly an error means that whole part may have to be remade from scratch.

2:efficiency(fuel and thrust): you can make very powerful and fuel efficient rockets that are relatively small but this efficiency drops as size increases.

3:Safety: redudancy is a hell of a thing ot have on such complex projects, last thing you need in a launch is your main and only source of thrust ot fail(whihc evne in the strict standard of space agencies its not a 0% chance). in this event you rather have multiple redudtant sources of thrust you can adjust on the fly(especially as the rocket gets lighter as it goes due ot burning the weight of its own fuel away.)

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