Why scientists are not able to 100% replicate breast milk to give to infants in case of a mother not being able to breast feed?


Why scientists are not able to 100% replicate breast milk to give to infants in case of a mother not being able to breast feed?

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t have the ability to manufacture antibodies, the key component of the adaptive immune system which allows the body to identify and effectively fight off specific microbial threats. That’s also why we have vaccines – we have no way of manufacturing antibodies, so we give people a sample of disease-causing organisms (either weakened, killed, or broken pieces of those organisms) to train the immune system to produce antibodies so that they can fight off the real diseases.

Breast milk contains all the mother’s antibodies, which helps keep babies healthy until their immune system is more developed (usually by about 6-12 months). Formula may have a similar blend of vitamins and nutrients as breast milk, but doesn’t have those vital antibodies.

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Why scientists are not able to 100% replicate breast milk to give to infants in case of a mother not being able to breast feed?

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t have the ability to manufacture antibodies, the key component of the adaptive immune system which allows the body to identify and effectively fight off specific microbial threats. That’s also why we have vaccines – we have no way of manufacturing antibodies, so we give people a sample of disease-causing organisms (either weakened, killed, or broken pieces of those organisms) to train the immune system to produce antibodies so that they can fight off the real diseases.

Breast milk contains all the mother’s antibodies, which helps keep babies healthy until their immune system is more developed (usually by about 6-12 months). Formula may have a similar blend of vitamins and nutrients as breast milk, but doesn’t have those vital antibodies.

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