Why sea is called sea and not an ocean?


What makes sea a sea, and ocean an ocean? How we differentiate them?

In: 4

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Seas are smaller than oceans. We only have 5 oceans, Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian, Artic, and Southern, but we have dozens of seas. If you want a rule of thumb then an Ocean has to cover at least a tenth of the world’s surface but honestly there’s no formal division, just regions defined as seas.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The term “sea” is often used to refer to a smaller saltwater body that is partially enclosed by land. The word “ocean,” on the other hand, typically describes one of the five major interconnected bodies of saltwater on Earth, which are the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean.

The distinction between seas and oceans is not always strictly defined and can vary depending on geographical and cultural perspectives. In general, though, the term “sea” is commonly used to describe smaller bodies of saltwater, while “ocean” refers to the vast, open expanses of saltwater.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

To make it even more difficult, read about the [Sargasso Sea ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sargasso_Sea?wprov=sfla1), a region within the North Atlantic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From my understanding, seas are typically smaller bodies of water compared to oceans, and they are commonly found in areas where land and the larger bodies of water, such as oceans, converge.

Anonymous 0 Comments

An ocean is the sea. But the sea is not an ocean.

Wow, that sounds like a terrible lyric.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Seas and oceans are the same as hills and mountains, there’s no perfect cut-off where you can determine which is which. It’s a geo-political definition

Anonymous 0 Comments

*The* ocean, is the large interconnected patch of water on earth. (Basically all water not on land, so not the rivers, lakes, …)

*An* ocean is used to refer to a part of *the* ocean. (Pacific, Atlantic, …)

*A* sea is a large body of salty water, so it could also be a lake, etc…

*The* sea is the same as *the* ocean.