why shouldn’t you mix meds like xanax or opioids with alcohol?


why shouldn’t you mix meds like xanax or opioids with alcohol?

In: 15

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

All three of those slow your breathing. Combined, they can slow your breathing down so that you stop completely. When you stop breathing, you die.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the medicine.

With the example of xanax and alchohol. Your body prioritizes removing alchohol first. This allows the xanax yo stay in your system longer. Both are removed by the liver and this also puts more strain on this part of your body.

This mixture also works on the part of your brain that controls heart rate and breathing and can slow down or stop both of these functions. Also potential for kidney and liver damage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s adding depressants on depressants. Like the above say reduced breathing and heart rate that have the possibility to be deadly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol, Benzos and Opioids are all CNS depressants. They slow brain activity and also lower blood pressure and slow breathing.

If you drink a fuck load of alcohol, you’ll die of alcohol poisoning before the CNS depression kills you. But if you mix it with benzos or opioids, you’ll die because your breathing will become incredibly shallow very quickly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Great answers below!

There can be a supra-additive effect by combining these medications.

This means that if alcohol has a negative 3 effect, and opiates have a negative 4 effect, and a benzodiazepine (Xanax) has a negative 3 effect:

The combined effect would not be negative 10, but closer to negative 16.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The biggest danger (i.e. what kills people most often in mixing alcohol and depressants) is that alcohol makes you want to pass out so you fall asleep, where your breathing becomes more shallow by default, and the other narcotics push you over the edge and you die in your sleep because you literally just stop breathing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They all slow breathing and heart rate. If your heart skips a beat and it’s already having trouble pumping then the intrinsic rhythm can shift and cause sudden cardiac arrest. Never ever ever mix. Just look at every famous person who died from the stuff. I had a cousin and a best friends brother die from mixing. Don’t mix. ❤️

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ok I need to know the awnser to this. How long should you wait after taking diazepam before drinking alcohol? I know it all depends on volume. But is it alot or a little? And how many hours should one wait? Like if I took 30mg 24 hours ago and had 5 beers is that a problem? The internet says various times

Anonymous 0 Comments

My mom died on alcohol and Tramadol. Totally shattered my dad. Dad tried to treat himself with more alcohol and stopped taking his insulin and died 2 weeks later. 2 casket funeral ain’t too fun. 🙄