why sleeping make us recover faster from illness? Does “force sleeping” (pills) have the same effect?


why sleeping make us recover faster from illness? Does “force sleeping” (pills) have the same effect?

In: 612

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Amongst other things, sleep is the time when our body goes into maintenance mode.

Our immune system ~~slightly lowers~~ [boosts the defences](https://www.sleepstation.org.uk/articles/health/sleep-and-immunity/#:~:text=Healthy%20sleep%20can%20help%20boost,improving%20antibody%20responses%20to%20vaccinations) to allow the body to repair itself. This is why your cold [feels worst at a night](https://www.intercoastalmedical.com/2016/05/27/why-do-you-feel-sicker-at-night/#:~:text=At%20night%2C%20there%20is%20less,feel%20sicker%20during%20the%20night.) [white cells are more busy fighting it], but this is also why your body heals faster.

I haven’t had the luxury of trying it, but I heard that if you feel a cold brewing, you should just get some sleep and nip it in the bud.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Amongst other things, sleep is the time when our body goes into maintenance mode.

Our immune system ~~slightly lowers~~ [boosts the defences](https://www.sleepstation.org.uk/articles/health/sleep-and-immunity/#:~:text=Healthy%20sleep%20can%20help%20boost,improving%20antibody%20responses%20to%20vaccinations) to allow the body to repair itself. This is why your cold [feels worst at a night](https://www.intercoastalmedical.com/2016/05/27/why-do-you-feel-sicker-at-night/#:~:text=At%20night%2C%20there%20is%20less,feel%20sicker%20during%20the%20night.) [white cells are more busy fighting it], but this is also why your body heals faster.

I haven’t had the luxury of trying it, but I heard that if you feel a cold brewing, you should just get some sleep and nip it in the bud.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I heard sleep also helps because you’re horizontal so your blood doesn’t have to fight against gravity and circulates better. Not sure if that’s true or not

Anonymous 0 Comments

I heard sleep also helps because you’re horizontal so your blood doesn’t have to fight against gravity and circulates better. Not sure if that’s true or not

Anonymous 0 Comments

I heard sleep also helps because you’re horizontal so your blood doesn’t have to fight against gravity and circulates better. Not sure if that’s true or not

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body has some finite amount of energy / effort / resources to spend each day.

“Doing things” uses resources. Recovering from an illness is a thing you can do. Aside from things that _happen_ while you sleep, resting lets your body put all its resources towards recovery or repair.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body has some finite amount of energy / effort / resources to spend each day.

“Doing things” uses resources. Recovering from an illness is a thing you can do. Aside from things that _happen_ while you sleep, resting lets your body put all its resources towards recovery or repair.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body has some finite amount of energy / effort / resources to spend each day.

“Doing things” uses resources. Recovering from an illness is a thing you can do. Aside from things that _happen_ while you sleep, resting lets your body put all its resources towards recovery or repair.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It was best described to me like this…think of your body as a computer, a computer only has so much processing power.

The more things you make your computer do, the slower it runs.

Watching Netflix while doing computer work with updates running in the back ground and sending things to the printer?

Slow as a snail.

Your body is the same way, the more it has to do, the longer it takes.

That’s why drinking clear liquids is helpful, less for your body to process.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It was best described to me like this…think of your body as a computer, a computer only has so much processing power.

The more things you make your computer do, the slower it runs.

Watching Netflix while doing computer work with updates running in the back ground and sending things to the printer?

Slow as a snail.

Your body is the same way, the more it has to do, the longer it takes.

That’s why drinking clear liquids is helpful, less for your body to process.