Why soda, and carbonated water is actually made with CO2?


I’m wondering if we use this because if it’s cheap, or it has that iconic taste, or it’s easy to produce

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is, to my knowledge, nothing else that could be used to get that fizzy property. The CO2 dissolves in the water and creates carbonic acid. This chemical is relatively stable under pressure, but can quickly dissolve into CO2 and H2O when it’s disturbed and the pressure is gone, e.g. when someone drinks it.

Unlike what the other commenters wrote, sparkling water was first discovered in a specific spring in [Selters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selters_(Taunus)#Selterswasser), Germany. It wasn’t nearly as sparkling as what we’re used to, but it was enough to make it worth selling all over the world. That is until a way to artificially add the CO2 was discovered.

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