why some games have censorship in specific countries?


why some games have censorship in specific countries?

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some countries have legal requirements that would not permit the uncensored version to be released, or at least cause it to be age restricted.

In other cases, there might not be a legal compulsion, but social mores differ sufficiently that sales would suffer if released in its original form.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some countries have censorship. It applies to all kinds of media like movies, music, TV, books and can also include games.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The reasons vary as widely as the countries which enforce the bans. In Muslim countries, for example, they would probably ban any game that displays scantily clad women, alcohol use, or depictions of other faiths in a positive light. In North Korea (for the wealthy there) games which give positive light to democracy or negative light to communism would be banned. Suggestive content is banned in many countries. Alcohol and drug use is banned in some countries. The reasoning is really, really country-specific.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Laws are different in different countries. For example, Germany has strict rules against showing Nazi iconography, so WWII games have to remove swastikas to be sold in Germany.

Another random example, the CCP doesn’t like bones for some reason so games with skeletons have to edit them out in the Chinese version.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Is there a specific example you are thinking of?

Like, for example, the Nazi symbols are not permitted in Germany, so when a creative work (such as a game) is made which includes that symbol (such as for historic reference), that work must be censored to remove the symbol if they want to sell it in Germany.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Either because different countries have different laws about what they permit to be sold there (famous example, until very recently the Wolfenstein games had to be censored to be sold in Germany because Nazi imagery is illegal there) or because the publisher concluded that the game would sell better in that market.