why splitting a tiny particle can cause such a devastating blast


why splitting a tiny particle can cause such a devastating blast

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34 Answers

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Because the two atoms that are created have a combined mass of less than the original atom. The missing mass becomes energy and a little bit of mass being converted to energy is a lot of energy. E=mc^2

Well then why does fusing 2 atoms release so much energy? Because with small atoms, the two atoms have more mass combined than the resulting single atom. You again have lost mass being converted to energy.

So, both fusion and fission result in mass loss? Well, yes and no. Right around an iron atom it switches. Fusion above the mass of an iron atom absorbs energy. Fission below the mass of an iron atom absorbs energy. Both to create the additional mass.

Fun fact: The sun converts approximately 4.5 million metric tons of mass into energy every second.

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