why splitting a tiny particle can cause such a devastating blast


why splitting a tiny particle can cause such a devastating blast

In: 651

34 Answers

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One candle is pretty and not that hot up close, a thousand candle is hot, eventually they melt and start lighting each other even when not all are lit at first.

Then the pile has a huge flame which sets your house on fire… It is so hot now that you could not be in the house and it causes devastation.

One tiny particle is nothing, but splitting that creates byproducts that can make other particles split and those can split even more… Exponential can get really big really fast.

For example, you fold paper it gets twice as big… What would you think 42 folds would get you.

It would be as thick as the earth moon distance, just 42 folds (put aside the paper side, it just demonstrates Exponential growth)

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