why stop-drop-roll over removing clothes


Why is it that when you’re clothes catch fire, your supposed to stop drop and roll? I do understand how stop-drop-roll works. But wouldn’t it be better to just remove your clothes? Especially if its clothes that don’t need to go over ur face to be taken off.

In: 292

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the others which have basically nailed it—speed of getting things off—fire spreads everywhere it can so long as there’s fuel and oxygen. If the outside of your jacket is on fire, and you start taking your jacket off, you now have oxygen between your jacket and your shirt, which means the fire now has access to *three times the fuel* it had a moment ago (outside of jacket, inside of jacket, outside of shirt). This means the fire is going to burn hotter and closer to your skin, both of which mean you’ll get burned more.

The goal of stop-drop-roll is to *smother* the fire, and adding surface area by taking off some clothes has the opposite effect.

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