why swear words exist

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Why do we have words that we “aren’t supposed to say”? What decides what makes a swear word a bad word?

It can’t be meaning, because “poop” is fine and
“shit” is not. Or “sex” or “ruin” is fine, but “fuck” is not.

In: Other

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Words themselves have only a defined meaning by the specific culture hearing that word. In the US, for example, “fag” is considered derogatory due to how it was used historically. And before it became associated with its derogatory meaning, it had a completely innocent definition. However in the UK (Europe in general) the word “fag” is most often associated with the word “cigarette.” You can have some pretty funny, albeit, awkward scenarios that arise from that.

Context is the other major factor at play. Though it takes second priority to historical meaning. “Shit” in different context means very different things. “I have shit to do today” vs “I have to take a shit” vs “What the shit was that?”

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just the way language has evolved.

Swearing in the Middle Ages was just taking an oath to God in vain. So things like “On God’s Bones” and “By God’s Wounds” were the worst things you could say.

A lot of the swear words we use today were once common usage for certain things. But due to the Victorian mindset, these words were offensive and crude to use in public usage.

Some words started out as innocent terms for things but then people started using them as insults.

Bitch and Ass were the proper term for a female dog and donkey. However, people would use those words to compare people to those animals.

Shit originally meant diarrhea. Later on it would mean all sorts of poop and someone who is despicable. Men flung around the word shit as an insult all the time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Curse words tend to reflect whatever is most taboo in a society, so if the worst curse words are blasphemous, it’s probably a very religious society, and if they’re sexual, it’s probably a very prudish society, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Probably because some person’s that considered themselves morally superior. Convinced the majority of people that those words weren’t appropriate. it still happens . Not just with words but with ideas also.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Words do not exist outside of context. You can’t say “tree” without first pointing to a tree (see: preschool books).

So, there are certain words that are generally used in a *vulgar* context, and it’s that vulgar context that gives the words their taboo.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I use to work at a plumbing company and I’m pretty sure swear words were invented for punctuation.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever stubbed your toe?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Words’ meaning and connotation exists in many different forms over the years. They grow, they change, they have impact, they lose impact.

For some of the most popular words, there is a documentary on Netflix called “the history of swear words” narrated by Nicholas Cage with commendation by linguists, comedians, and activists. It was a funny and thoughtful way to explain why certain words have the impact they do and why certain communities “reclaim” those words.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why do people casually use a swear word before something? Not to express anger or frustration. It’s not a wrench, it’s a fucking wrench. So to someone who usually says Fucking wrench, I say hand me the offensive wrench and they get confused. Why is the wrench offensive? I ask why is it a fucking wrench? Never get an answer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Language is just sounds made by the throat and tongue. Words are just symbols on paper. There is no intrinsic value or offence to any combination of sounds or symbols their meaning is purely based on the context of their audience. Such a small difference between the words cunt and aunt for example but how offended you are by words usually correlates to either bigotry (you are uncomfortable of people who are different to you) or trauma (you’re afraid of the actions that often accompany certain words).

Swear words are most commonly polarising phrases that certain types of people (usually conservatives and religious types) have negative connotations towards (based on classist stereotypes and puritanical fear mongering) and don’t want to hear.