Why the hell are there so many “infinities”, in the field of mathematics specifically, and what do they mean and their differences?


I saw a yt vid on largest numbers etc, and extremely baffled by how many versions of infinities are. Didnt know it has premium version like absolute and the regular infinity. lol

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because of the definition of infinity and how we group numbers together. Infinity just means something that you could count to for forever without finding a “biggest number.” We can count in any way that we choose though. So I can say that there are infinite numbers of whole numbers. I could also say that there is an infinite number of whole numbers divisible by 5. The infinities differ because of the way we count them, so in the earlier example there are more whole numbers that can exist than the number of whole numbers that are divisible by 5. So in essence those two infinities are mathematically different.

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