Why the hertz of the vast majority of device screens are at 60, why not choose a rounder number like 100?


I have always seen how the screens of the devices are closed at 60 or 59.95, I do not understand why the standard is 60 and not a rounder and more manageable number to make comparisons like 100hz, I understand why all the movies are at 24 hertz but I do not understand why they always it’s about 60hz when you find a screen in the wild, is because costs? I mean, on gaming the standar is going up
since the last years but the standar is still 60

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s because in the US the AC electricity is 60Hz and that is something easy to build electronics to sync up with. This is the reason most TV’s are 60HZ, or 30fps if interlaced.

Fun fact the initial reason 60 Hz was chosen by Nikola Tesla was because AC motors would become inefficient at higher frequencies, and at lower frequencies would require too much iron, additionally lights would visibly flicker at a lower Hz.
Source: https://teslauniverse.com/nikola-tesla/articles/life-and-times-nikola-tesla#:~:text=The%20now%20established%20frequency%20of,also%20flicker%20at%20low%20frequencies.

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