why these pics I put on pinterest probably about 10 years ago (maybe less), have seemed to “digitally deteriorate”?


See links to imgur in comments. These pics are not quality at all, especially the one. I would not have posted them like this, so why did they look clear and crisp and high res back then and now they look like crap?

In: 188

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, 10 years ago let’s say you had a phone you took these pictures on.

That phone maybe could take pictures with 400 dots in it and Pinterest only accepted an upload of a photo with 240 dots or less.

So you compress that 400 dot photo to a 240 dot jpg and upload it.


Well over the next 10 years that picture still only has 240 dots on it but your phone grew, at first to 1000, then to 2000, etc. now it’s got 100,000.00 dots on your phone and even Pinterest accepts photos of 10,000.00 dots now but that photo is still 240 dots. So when you look at it, especially when you enlarge it, it looks bad, because you’re looking at too few dots for the amount of dots on your current tech.

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