why these pics I put on pinterest probably about 10 years ago (maybe less), have seemed to “digitally deteriorate”?


See links to imgur in comments. These pics are not quality at all, especially the one. I would not have posted them like this, so why did they look clear and crisp and high res back then and now they look like crap?

In: 188

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When databases migrate they use the “new” compression system thats avaliable at the time. Very old pictures got compressed over time more often, making them seemingly deterioate.

A very popular and nice example is Google with Youtube. When you upload any video to YT, Google makes their own copies in multiple seperate resolutions and qualities and removing the original. Over the years, eg when the AV1 codec came out a few years back, Google transcoded all its databases gradually to save server space.

So to see that for yourself, watch an old music video thats 12+ years old. Its almost only inelligible mush now. Thats because the original was low quality in the first place, it got recompressed over and over, and modern codecs and processes are designed for high resolution source footage like 2k and up anyway.

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