Because what we can engeneer and what we safely can control in our layman hands is very very different.
And sometimes you need that extra power. Going up a hill while staying at the speed limit? Takes extra engine power than what it takes to keep at the speed limit with no incline. When a moter is engeneered to run effecient at speed limit, there is still option to add extra gazoline to the engine because Max Fuel In Engine =/= Best Efficientcy.
And, there is sales in engine power. A lot of ppl like having an engine that goes Wroom real loud, and with power to both accelerate fast and go fast. And all those speedsters who get tickeded (or here en denmark, confiscated their cars for going way too fast, called ‘vandvids kørsel’ or legit ‘crazy drivning’) shows such idiots exist. And those ppl with more money than common sense do buy powerfull cars that can go over the speed limit. Wanting to sell your product is a big factor for car producers.
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