… Ya… No. Milk delivery was like pre 70s.
Edit: damm people still get milk deliveries. Damn
But here is an explanation.
People want milk.
Farmers have milk.
Farms far away from people.
People want their damm milk.
People call milk delivery man, “says, four gallons per week this month because we must funnel milk down our children’s throats lest their bones turn to jelly.”
Milk delivery person drops off milk.
Some people wanted cold milk but worked.
People built little boxes that kept milk cool.
Milk delivery person put milk in box.
People drink milk and put out jars. Sometimes put out pay. Sometimes wait till end of month.
Milk delivery person pick up empty milk jars and drop off fresh milk.
Milk jars brought back to farm.
Jars cleaned and filled with milk.
And cycle continues.
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