Why we can’t control thoughts of other people?


Think with me, thoughts and the entire functioning of your body is based on the passage of electrons. The movement of electrons generates a magnetic field, according to physics, so wouldn’t a magnet be able to control this movement, hence your thoughts and actions?

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7 Answers

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Cool story: this was actually tried during the Cold War (on both sides) with super-strong magnets, and is in use today in reverse to help people with “Locked In” syndrome, but, ultimately, the real reason (right now) is two-fold: 1) we can’t target the right areas of the brain specifically enough and 2) we don’t even know which areas of the brain to actually target. Oh, sure, we can get close and say this huge area over here is for vision, that one for rage, but beyond that, we just don’t know enough AND it may turn out that the exact positions for each individual thought are different in every single person, so…even when we can target specifically enough AND have a really good idea of where to target, we *might* have to make adjustments for each person, individually…

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