Why we get tired after a long flight/trip?


Unless you are driving, you dont do anything but sleep, eat and watch movies and we still get so tired.

In: 826

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body has to deal with being confined to a small seat when you travel. That takes a lot of muscle to stay in position and it’s exhausting

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not the only reason but planes pressurize to the equivalent of over a mile above sea level so you are getting a lot less oxygen than normal which is a major cause of the fatigue.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Jet lag is a physiological reaction of our sleep patterns relating to the sun, which can have a major impact when travelling long distances westward or eastward. By being aware of the causes of jetlag you can take some steps to minimise it. https://youtu.be/OWqBsITdDUc

Anonymous 0 Comments

You might also just notice it more, I get tired from just sitting at a computer for 7 hours not moving, when you’re traveling you’re packing, walking to from and in the airport, driving, moving around etc

Anonymous 0 Comments

The constant vibrations from the engines and air flow also are a factor. Your body is making tons of micro adjustments to compensate and it adds up same as on a long drive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s called Sopite syndrome. People who get tired and irritable have brains that have issues filtering sensory information when they are in prolonged motion environments. The reduced filtering impacts an area of your brain responsible for arousal.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Nobody has mentioned the emotional aspect of flying. So many people are nervous flyers, especially during takeoff, landing, and turbulence. Stress causes fatigue both mental and physical. Being tense for extended periods along with the mental stress take a huge toll on your body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For some reason I do not experience jet leg and often fly to other continents and back within like 72 hours. I seriously wonder why some people don’t feel the effects and others do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sleeping on a chair with no leg space? Oh lord save me from the agony

Anonymous 0 Comments

Believe it or not but sitting in a single position does actually tire you out. On a bed you can roll around and move while you sleep so you’re not exactly in one position all the time, but in a chair you’re more constrained. Additionally there’s a lot of things that could wake you up mid flight or just give a lot of sensory input in general (people going to the bathroom, babies, turbulence, etc.).