Why we need to read fiction books in school and analyze them?

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A lot of people read as a hobby and that is completely easy to understand.

But at least in my country we need to read fiction books in school and analyse them.

It’s important to know that I am talking about fiction, not about history or math books. I am talking about Shakespeare and those fiction writers.

As an example, we need to explain the meaning of verses in poems and we need to understand what is the meaning behind books.

Why we need to do this? Is the necessary nowadays?

In: Other

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because in addition to math, english, and biology, you are being taught a political narrative.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are not primarily learning what’s in the book but how to think in a specific way. Thinking skills are critically important later in life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In italian is to understand the difference between meaning of the phrase and meaning of the text. An example written while I’m in the bathroom.
“And then the field of grass turned red”
If I am a ww1 poet I’m talking of the human massacre
If I am a romance writer I’m talking about blushing and love
If I am a biologist probably I’m talking of flowers

If you read a great author (Shakespeare, Dante) what you read is almost never the true meaning (or is one of the meanings) learning to understand what an author mean, how it’s always written in a location and a time and that influence the meaning help you understand it even when you are talking to a partner or listening to a workplace boss or a politician.

Is learning to think

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ever heard the saying ” read between the lines”? That’s exactly why. The need to understand the message behind the words is paramount

Anonymous 0 Comments

Media literacy is already a woefully underdeveloped skill for a looooot of people.

We should be doing this more at school, not less. Learning to analyse things and form opinions based on what the thing says is a crucial life skill.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Critical thinking skills and basic media literacy. I hope you can see why those are important.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As far as I can tell, the idea appears to be to get you to hate reading. That’s all it did for me, anyway.

But don’t worry. It took only a few months out of school to get me to love reading again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Roshan only education is actually banned under the geneva convention which requires nations to be of sound mind, thus if we only had military books we would have violated the sanity requirement of warfare due to over belligerence, just like the nazis. Fiction like harry potter, twilight, artemis fowl, and other young adult modern fiction is written to roshan in direct language and taught because it is something to give an american perspective and is part of psychological education efforts to both open the mind and train the mind and as well might help with classroom morale because similar yields of scented books in the states yielded similar performance boost.