Why were 18th wars waged by two sides just standing in big long lines taking turns to shoot at eachother?


It’s hard to fathom that someone at some point wouldn’t have thought, “*hmmm, maybe just standing in a big line waiting to get shot isn’t the most optimal tactic*”

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14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Great summary from u/police-ical.

And this is part of what made the US Civil War such a tragedy, but also so important around the world. It was the first ‘modern’ war but it was still fought with 18th century tactics.

To your point, what happens when you put modern weapons into the hands of soldiers and then just have them line up and fire away at each other? *Slaughter.* It was a horrific war of unspeakably large casualties. In case you’re not from the US, granted it was the US vs. US, but still, more Americans died during the civil war than the US lost in all other wars *combined*. It was just fields of blood and viscera.

But it did teach the world the value of modern weapons and lead to a complete revision of military tactics.

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