Why were animals so much bigger in prehistoric times?


Dinosaurs seemed to have generally been so much larger than animals today. Huge dragonflies that dwarf their modern counterparts, turtles 10ft long. What is the mechanism that allowed them to be so large, or conversely makes modern ones smaller? Is it about Oxygen levels, or efficiency, or something else?

In: 296

81 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bro use the search bar this got posted a couple days ago. Also to save your time, it’s a bit like survivor bias, the reason humans assume all animals from prehistoric times are giant is because all the fossils we have found from those times are giant, but it makes sense that giant fossils are much easier to find and harder to break down, therefor our collection of prehistoric fossils will favour large animals when in reality, things like bugs and small animals did exist, we just don’t have many fossils to prove there existence, just think, the blue whale is the largest animals to ever live on earth and it’s alive right now, not a prehistoric fossil, but now

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