Before the modern era, most warfare was conducted by troops who simply did what they were commanded by middle to senior level officers; Often the general directed a large part of the operation himself through flags, trumpets, and messengers. Little initiative was expected of the lowest level troops.
Because senior people needed to see the soldiers and their movements (sometimes from a distance), clearly marked uniforms and people carrying banners were essential.
Over time, small arms increased in range and accuracy and indirect fire weapons, started to be targeted using balloon and aircraft spotters. Colonial powers also had to manage large areas with smaller units of troops on patrols. These situations encouraged “not being seen”,* so armies started to camouflage their soldiers and equipment. This dramatically change the nature of warfare from “charges” across a field to small unit actions, trying to stay out of sight.
This transition started after the Crimean war, really gaining speed through WW-1 and was solidly in-place for many of the worlds military’s before WW-2.
* See “How Not to be Seen” as a guide to the importance of hiding well.
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