Why, when it’s cold, do the windows on your car freeze up, but not on house windows?


Why, when it’s cold, do the windows on your car freeze up, but not on house windows?

In: 1

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your house is warm on the inside. A car left outside over night is not.

The warmth is enough to keep the exterior of the Window too warm to freeze. Notice how after you actually start your car and the ice on the window quickly melts once your car heats up

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your house is (at least it should be) insulated. It retains heat from your heating system which is likely running 24 hrs a day. While it might EVENTUALLY get cold enough that the windows freeze over, that will take a long time.

Your car is insulated a little, but far less than your house. It also only has a heating system when the engine is on. So your car loses heat faster, and doesn’t have anyway to get it back until you turn it on.