Why when working on something like satellites, space rovers etc does everyone have to wear gear as if working with diseased patients?


Why when working on something like satellites, space rovers etc does everyone have to wear gear as if working with diseased patients?

In: Engineering

7 Answers

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because the precision electronics used in those are sensitive enough that even a single hair or errant particile can disable it if it ends up where it shouldnt.

and since these machines cost millions ot develop and arguably just as much to get into space you want ot make sure they WILL work as expected

there is another reason, whih is the same reason we are very paranoid to collect items that came from outerspace: cross contamination, if you happen ot come across antoher celestial body that for all you know may harbor alien life, last thnig you want is ot infect it with our earthborne pathogens, or their alien pathogens infecting us, which could lead ot Ecological disasters.

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