Why, when you poke yourself or cut yourself, does it often take 10-20 seconds for you to start bleeding?


Why, when you poke yourself or cut yourself, does it often take 10-20 seconds for you to start bleeding?

In: 8

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The smallest blood vessels (capillaries) that extend into every corner of tissue are tiny, and have very little flow rate and pressure with which to push spilling blood up and out of the wound when you nick them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In small injuries, surface tension and capillary action tends to make most of the blood continue through the severed blood vessels rather than escape into the wound channel. However, once enough blood escapes up through the would channel, these same forces draw more blood into the wound channel. This takes a bit of time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I got one I know decently well

The blood and watery things in general are like a balloon it needs lots of air or water to pop it with out a sharp object so the blood needs more blood to pop the edge