Why when you’re sick for example does light hitting your eyes provoke tears?


Why when you’re sick for example does light hitting your eyes provoke tears?

In: 6

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Working theory – mild viral conjunctivitis and the surface of your eye is irritated from that and the rubbing that tends to cause. Any disruption of the cornea (surface of the eye) can cause pain and light sensitivity, and that will cause tearing (designed to lubricate and clear the eye).

Viral conjunctivitis is extremely common and occurs with a heap of different viral infections (most of what people call pinkeye is viral conjunctivitis, not bacterial).

Anonymous 0 Comments

Working theory – mild viral conjunctivitis and the surface of your eye is irritated from that and the rubbing that tends to cause. Any disruption of the cornea (surface of the eye) can cause pain and light sensitivity, and that will cause tearing (designed to lubricate and clear the eye).

Viral conjunctivitis is extremely common and occurs with a heap of different viral infections (most of what people call pinkeye is viral conjunctivitis, not bacterial).