Why winter in the northern hemisphere is much colder and snowier than winter in the southern hemisphere?


To clarify, I’m asking why when it is winter IN the southern hemisphere, why is it milder than winters in the northern.

Not asking why are the seasons reversed.

In: 2765

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Here’s an Australian perspective:

1) Tasmania, that island that’s south of our mainland, which is known everywhere else in Australia as a land of the 9-month winter, is about as far from the equator as the New York beach mecca of Southhampton. It’s not that Southampton has better climate than Hobart; it’s more that “down south”, we don’t consider a place “warm” if it gets snow on the beach.

2) If you compare the temperatures of the only major landmass south of ‘Australia’s Southampton’s’ (Antartica) with those of anywhere in the Northern hemisphere; it’s difficult to come to the conclusion that winters are milder in the north.

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