Why winter in the northern hemisphere is much colder and snowier than winter in the southern hemisphere?


To clarify, I’m asking why when it is winter IN the southern hemisphere, why is it milder than winters in the northern.

Not asking why are the seasons reversed.

In: 2765

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you compare Japan ( lots of snow and cold temps to low levels) and New Zealand ( not so much) which have similar latitudes and geography, the difference in the amount of snow is largely because of the large land mass to Japan’s north (Siberia) which keeps the air much cooler, compared to air over the ocean as the water can only get so cold. NZ has no land mass to it’s south. Japan sea is warm ( lots of evaporation ) Tasman sea is cold ( not so much)
Mountains and orographic lift is similar.

Eli5: land cold, water warm.

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