Why winter in the northern hemisphere is much colder and snowier than winter in the southern hemisphere?


To clarify, I’m asking why when it is winter IN the southern hemisphere, why is it milder than winters in the northern.

Not asking why are the seasons reversed.

In: 2765

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is? Do you compare land at the same latitude?

Most land in the southern hemisphere is closer to the equator than most land in the southern hemisphere. Look at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_map#/media/File:Winkel_triple_projection_SW.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_map#/media/File:Winkel_triple_projection_SW.jpg) and use horizontal latitude line for comparisons. The southern part of Australia and Africa have the same attitude as the land area around the Mediterranean Sea.

The southern tip of South America has the same latitude as Denmark. Northern Scandinavia overlaps the Antarctic.

That there is less land also results in the distance to the ocean being lower. You have higher temperature change far away from the ocean just beside it.

The average winter temperature of the northern hemisphere is colder than the southern hemisphere. This is because 2/3 of the land is in the northern hemisphere and only 1/3 is in the southern hemisphere. Land change temperature more than oceans. So the northern hemisphere gets colder on average in the winter and warmer in th summer compared to the southern hemisphere.

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